this morning i was awoken by the sound of a rainstorm. i decided to go out straight away since i was already awake so i went and wandered around an antiques market in the rain and went into some really lovely shops that sold linen and lace and victorian nightgowns and dried rosebuds, then i walked around a lovely bookshop that looked like an old library with wooden staicases and balconies and vases of flowers on the tables, then i went around an organic food market and by then the rain had seeped through my tights to my feet so i went into a sweet café with pretty murals painted on the walls and i sat with my tea, apple and cinnamon danish pastry and strawberry cupcake and read my book. it was raining a moment ago but now it has stopped and i'm disappointed because i love the sound of rain through an open window whilst i try to sleep. it's funny how the thing that awoke me this morning feels like the only realistic thing that can put me to sleep.